What is Rebounding

If you ever wondered which exercises are perfect for your age, we’re here to let you know that rebounding is generally appropriate for people of all ages, from children to older people. And if you hate exercise, rebounding can make working out fun.

What is rebounding?

We’re glad you asked! Rebounding is a type of exercise that is performed while jumping on a mini-trampoline. It is also considered a low-impact cardiovascular exercise that is known to be gentle on the joints. Jumping on a trampoline is just plain fun, don’t deny it. No one can resist breaking into a smile and even a burst of laughter after being catapulted into the air and back. Let’s now look at the benefits of this type of exercise below:

Fun weight loss

Did you know? An hour of moderate rebounding can burn about 500 calories! How cool?! Of course with a good balanced diet and exercise plan, you can begin achieving your weight loss goals sooner. Another cool way in which rebound can assist in weight loss is that it stimulates your metabolism to burn more calories throughout the day.

Improves muscle tone

Every exercise tightens your core, but rebound does that while you’re having fun! It does so by engaging your core in every movement while tightening your tummy. As you jump up and down, your arms generate momentum which helps tone your upper body muscles, including shoulders, back and core.

Low impact on joints

You may be limited from doing certain types of exercises and fitness activities if you have issues with your joints, but we’re here to let you know that rebounding is the perfect exercise for you. It incorporates low-impact workouts for your joints which is very accommodating. As you are already aware that rebound involves a mini-trampoline – this reduces the amount of gravitational; pull exerted on your body as you bounce up and down, productively cutting down on the strain that is placed on your joints.

Suitable for all fitness levels

Rebounding is something that the whole family can participate in and benefit from. Jumping does not require skill, hence even kids are capable of enjoying quality time on a trampoline. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or only starting your fitness journey, rebounding is ideal for you.

Reduce cellulite

Rebounding can reduce the appearance of cellulite as it increases the circulation of lymphocytes, which aids in breaking down cellulite. This exercise is twice as effective as running – the more you spend time actively jumping, the double calories you burn. Don’t forget that when you jump, your whole body moves, so whether you have cellulite on your upper body or from your waist down, it is due to get less visible.

Final words

Rebounding is a great way to bond with your loved ones and meet new friends while exercising in a positive and entertaining environment. Start your journey to fitness and fetch your body goals with Fit Bounce studio. If you’re ready to jump into your future body, get in touch with Eloise Siebert Hinrichs on 083 727 4244 or via her email at info@rhyth-fitbounce.co.za.

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Rhyth-Fit Rebounding Instructor

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Morning Class: Tue & Fri | 08:00 – 09:00
Evening Class: Mon, Wed & Thu | 18:00 – 19:00
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